What Is A Freedom Session?
These sessions are personal, confidential, individualized times of ministry between you and God, facilitated by 2-3 of our trained and experienced Freedom Ministry Team members. We believe you will leave equipped to walk in the truth, freedom, and victory intended by God and grow in the freedom Christ has not only provided, but desires for you to experience.
Want To Sign Up For A Freedom Session?
Please email the completed form to Pastor Amy Everett at [email protected] or turn it in at the Welcome Center at any of our services. For more information, call 409-892-8475 ext. 2226.
Additional Ways to Prepare for Your Freedom Session
Watch this powerful and important message on Forgiveness and how it will impact your freedom Journey.
Have additional questions? Check out our Freedom FAQ section below:

We are SO excited to be able to offer freedom sessions to children and youth between the ages of 9-17. Of course, this will look different than our typical adult sessions but are equally powerful.
We have a passionate desire to see the next generation receive healing and freedom thru a close, intimate relationship with Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit at an early age. Your child will discover that spending time with Jesus is FUN and that now matter their age, they can learn to recognize their Father’s voice, receive comfort from Holy Spirit when they are hurting and be equipped against the works of the enemy as they grow and mature into young adults. Most of all, we believe this ministry will impact generations to come.
To sign up your child for a Freedom Huddle or Session, please click the link below:
Please know, we require at least one parent have a Freedom Session of their own prior to your child having one (Please see application process in our FAQ section below.) You can learn more about adult sessions and sign up by going to
Have additional questions? Check out our Freedom FAQ section below:
For more information on the history and vision of Freedom Ministries, watch our interview with Not in My City Unite and Pastor Charmaine James.
Testimonies From Freedom Sessions
”"In my session I was blessed with a deeper walk with my Father. They (Freedom Team Member) helped me heal deep wounds that were in my heart that had been covered for a long time by guiding me through an intimate walk with Holy Spirit.... My mother was a root of some very hurtful things that poured over into my life and brought about guilt, shame, anxiety, and things that I could never see if they had not taken the time to care enough about me to walk me through the garden with our Father."
”"During my recent Forgiveness Freedom Session, Father God brought so much revelation and freedom to my body, my thoughts, and my soul. The voice of my spirit was once again able to pierce through the white noise of anxiety, anger, and all the chaos brought on by current events, to tell me truths from Heaven and help reset my vision to see eternally."
Have a testimony? Let us know:
For More Info Contact:
Freedom Sessions FAQ
What is the application process for Kids?
You must fill out the online application to secure a huddle date for your child. (Please note, for our adults, we refer to this ministry time as “Freedom Sessions” and for our kidz, we call them “Freedom Huddles.”)
Once we receive your application, one of our Freedom Team members will contact you as soon as possible to schedule your child’s huddle. We suggest your child have a minimum of 2 huddle’s as the first one includes a meet and greet/informational time.
It is important to know that at least one parent needs to have completed a Freedom Session prior to your child’s Freedom Huddle. We feel it is important not only for you to understand the main objective of a Kidz Freedom Huddle, but for your child to see you begin your own Freedom journey with the Lord as you help lead your child on their journey. While an Adult Freedom Session looks very different, for obvious reasons, the objective is still the same: to grow closer to a loving Father God, experience greater understanding of who Jesus is and experience Holy Spirit in a way you never have before. Thru this, you will hear from Him and experience life changing freedom.
Once your child’s huddle date is scheduled, you will need to sign two release forms. We want to emphasize that our Freedom Team Members are not professional, licensed therapists or counselors. The objective of a huddle is not counseling or therapy. If you are looking for long term counseling for your child at any point, please let our Freedom Team know and we will give you a referral.
What does an Adult Freedom Session look like?
A Freedom Session is a personal, confidential, individualized time of ministry between you and God, facilitated by 2-3 of our trained and experienced Freedom Team members. We believe you will leave equipped to walk in the truth, freedom, and victory intended by God and grow in the freedom Christ has not only provided, but desires for you to experience.
What does a Kidz Freedom Huddle look like?
At the first huddle, you, your child and two Freedom Team members will have the opportunity to get to know each other. Before beginning any ministry time, we will make sure your child wants to continue and explain they are free to go home anytime during their huddle. We will also ask you to give your child “permission” to talk to our team about anything or anyone in the family, even themselves. We will all pray together and then you will wait outside the Freedom Kidz room with the ability to hear everything that is taking place.
The Kidz huddles are shorter in duration and broken up into activities to hold their attention so more than one huddle is usually required, unless of course your child chooses to end the process. Most times, it takes at least two, sometimes 3 huddles depending on the child, their age and how much is accomplished each time.
One request we have is that you not plan a “fun” activity for after their sessions. This avoids your child wanting to rush thru their time with us to go to what’s next.
(Feel free to let your child bring anything to their session that makes them feel more comfortable ie. toy, blanket, stuffed animal.)
What if I don’t live in Southeast Texas?
Due to the nature of Freedom Huddles and the time involved to have 2 or more, we recommend you be in town for at least 1 week. This gives you, the parent, time to have a Freedom Session if you have not already as well as time for us to meet with your child a couple of times. We do not like to do a huddle after a child has been traveling, so please keep this in mind. If you are out of town, please let us know on the application so we can have a conversation about what this will need to look like. Alternatively, we can also try to connect you to someone who does similar ministry for children near you.
Have more questions? Please contact Pastor Amy Everett at the church office, 409-892-8475 ext. 2226, or email [email protected].