The One City Cares Giving Tree is dripping with opportunities for you to give back this Christmas. The first opportunity is to purchase visa gift cards for the Harvest House Angels to care for the program participants’ basic, day to day needs. Look for the grey tags on the Giving Tree!
We have also adopted two Kings Club families. Family #1 is led by a strong single mom with 2 boys and 5 girls, 2 of which are twins. Family #2 is led by a strong single father with 6 children. Let’s bless these families with an amazing Christmas! Look for the blue tags on the Giving Tree!
Lastly, we are partnering with Buckner Beaumont to bless local boys and girls in and out of foster care. Look for the green tags on the Giving Tree!
We will be collecting gifts from now until Sunday, Dec. 8th by 12:00 pm. Please bring all gifts UNWRAPPED to the giving tree by Dec. 8th so we know what has come in. For more information about the Giving Tree, contact Pastor Amy Everett at the church office 409-892-8475, ext 2226 or email [email protected].