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2024 One City Cares Giving Tree


The One City Cares Giving Tree is dripping with opportunities for you to give back this Christmas. The first opportunity is to purchase visa gift cards for the Harvest House Angels to care for the program participants’ basic, day to day needs. Look for the grey tags on the Giving Tree!

We have also adopted two Kings Club families. Family #1 is led by a strong single mom with 2 boys and 5 girls, 2 of which are twins. Family #2 is led by a strong single father with 6 children. Let’s bless these families with an amazing Christmas! Look for the blue tags on the Giving Tree!

Lastly, we are partnering with Buckner Beaumont to bless local boys and girls in and out of foster care. Look for the green tags on the Giving Tree!

We will be collecting gifts from now until Sunday, Dec. 8th by 12:00 pm. Please bring all gifts UNWRAPPED to the giving tree by Dec. 8th so we know what has come in. For more information about the Giving Tree, contact Pastor Amy Everett at the church office 409-892-8475, ext 2226 or email


Operation Christmas Child Collection July 2024


It’s time to collect items for our annual Operation Christmas Child outreach. Items collected will go in shoeboxes to be shipped to children all over the world this December. For many, this is the only Christmas gift they will receive.

All donations can be dropped off at the Welcome Center, the back foyer by the playground or at One City Kids thru the end of July- just look for the Christmas boxes. For a list of suggested donation items, please go

Foster Family Christmas Outreach 2022

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One City Cares has a very exciting giving opportunity this Christmas season! We will be sponsoring a Foster Family of 7 with 5 children under the age of 3. If you would like to bless this amazing family, please go to our Giving Tree in the Welcome Center right by the cafe and grab a green tag with the suggested gift items. Please bring all gifts back to the church unwrapped by Sunday, Dec. 4th along with the accompanying tag. If you do not attend One City Church or are unable to get a tag from our Giving Tree, please call Pastor Amy Everett at the church office, 409-892-8475, or email and we will get the information to you!

Boys Haven Christmas Outreach 2022

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This Christmas we have the opportunity to bless 3 boys currently with Boys Haven, a residential program for at risk youth. If you would like to make their Christmas extra special, stop by our giving tree in the Welcome Center and grab a BLUE tag. We are asking all gifts be brought back to the church, UNWRAPPED, by Sunday, December 4th. If you have any questions about this outreach, please contact Pastor Amy Everett at 409-892-8475.

Operation Christmas Child packing party 2022

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It’s time for our annual Operation Christmas Child Packing party. We started collecting items this summer that will go in shoeboxes to be shipped to children all over the world this December. For many, this is the only Christmas gift they will receive.

We will meet on Wed, November 9 in the Kids Bldg from 6:30-8pm to pack the shoeboxes. Pizza will be provided. We are still in need of drawstring bags, zip pencil pouches, wash cloths, bar soap, toothbrushes and soap/toothbrush holders. All donations can be dropped off at the Welcome Center thru November 9. For more information about what Operation Christmas Child is, please go or call Pastor Amy at the church office, 409-892-8475.

Christmas in the Park 2022

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We are so excited to once again partner with Night Strike Beaumont for the 2022 annual Christmas in the Park- an outreach to the homeless community of SETX as well as families in need this Christmas season.

One City Cares is sponsoring the men’s Christmas tree and gifts and we would love for you to join us.

You can participate in 4 ways:

  1. Donate one or more items that will be given at the event. Be on the lookout for the One City Cares Christmas tree that will be in the Welcome Center with “ornament wishes”- items needed for the men’s tree- all donations needed to be returned to the church UNWRAPPED by December 5th- this is important so everything can be sorted and labeled.
  2. Gift wrapping workday for the men’s Christmas tree on Mon, Dec 12th. Sign up here:
  3. Help volunteer the day of the event, Sat. Dec 17th from 4-8pm. Sign up here:
  4. Give financially towards this outreach by going to and choose One City Cares from the drop down menu.

This will be an amazing time of ministry with gifts, a Christmas dinner and a time of sharing salvation to all. If you have questions, please call Pastor Amy Everett at the church office, 409-892-8475, or email

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One City Church

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