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🌟CORE is One City Church’s servant leader program. Join us for CORE III Leadership Training on May 18th & 19th at 6pm in the Main Sanctuary.

🆕 EACH CORE TRAINING IS FRESH with new materials and speakers. If you’re a One City servant leader, it’s vital to attend!

👶 Childcare is limited, so register ASAP.

📍 Registration is only $10 at

Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to grow as a leader and connect with other servant leaders!

C.O.R.E. Leadership Training Fall 2022

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AUG 11th at 6:30pm & AUG 12th at 6:30pm


A message from Pastor Suzann:

CORE means…

Cultivate purpose

Operate in power

Resonate passion

Elevate people

Holy Spirit gave me a mandate for 2022 and beyond…..

“develop and raise One City’s CORE leadership to a higher level”

Along with other methods, we will cultivate purpose, operate in power, resonate passion and elevate people through leadership training sessions 2-3 times a year. Our 2nd leadership training will be Aug 11-12 and we are blessed to have guest, Stefanee Tolbert, founder of Christian Life Academy and Chic-Fil-A consusltant as well as Pastor Feldschau as our speakers for this CORE gathering. To grow in leadership at One City Church every staff member, elder and “All-In” volunteer is highly encouraged to take advantage of this life-changing opportunity. I look forward to seeing you there!

Registration is necessary for us to properly prepare for you. The fee is only $10!


Register at:


**please note

Spouses are welcome and encouraged to register.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the pastor/department head for whom you volunteer.

C.O.R.E. Leadership Training Fall 2022

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AUG 11th at 6:30pm & AUG 12th at 6:30pm


A message from Pastor Suzann:

CORE means…

Cultivate purpose

Operate in power

Resonate passion

Elevate people

Holy Spirit gave me a mandate for 2022 and beyond…..

“develop and raise One City’s CORE leadership to a higher level”

Along with other methods, we will cultivate purpose, operate in power, resonate passion and elevate people through leadership training sessions 2-3 times a year. Our 2nd leadership training will be Aug 11-12 and we are blessed to have guest, Stefanee Tolbert, founder of Christian Life Academy and Chic-Fil-A consusltant as well as Pastor Feldschau as our speakers for this CORE gathering. To grow in leadership at One City Church every staff member, elder and “All-In” volunteer is highly encouraged to take advantage of this life-changing opportunity. I look forward to seeing you there!

Registration is necessary for us to properly prepare for you. The fee is only $10!


Register at:


**please note

Spouses are welcome and encouraged to register.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the pastor/department head for whom you volunteer.

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One City Church

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