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2024 One City Cares Giving Tree


The One City Cares Giving Tree is dripping with opportunities for you to give back this Christmas. The first opportunity is to purchase visa gift cards for the Harvest House Angels to care for the program participants’ basic, day to day needs. Look for the grey tags on the Giving Tree!

We have also adopted two Kings Club families. Family #1 is led by a strong single mom with 2 boys and 5 girls, 2 of which are twins. Family #2 is led by a strong single father with 6 children. Let’s bless these families with an amazing Christmas! Look for the blue tags on the Giving Tree!

Lastly, we are partnering with Buckner Beaumont to bless local boys and girls in and out of foster care. Look for the green tags on the Giving Tree!

We will be collecting gifts from now until Sunday, Dec. 8th by 12:00 pm. Please bring all gifts UNWRAPPED to the giving tree by Dec. 8th so we know what has come in. For more information about the Giving Tree, contact Pastor Amy Everett at the church office 409-892-8475, ext 2226 or email


2024 Thanksgiving Outreach

🦃 Thanksgiving is coming quick and we want to bless 5 One City and SETX families in a big way!
🫶🏼 From now thru Nov 17 we will be collecting the following items to make 5 delish Thanksgiving meals:
🤎 marshmallows
🧡 pie crust and filling
🤎 cornbread mix/dinner rolls
🧡 chicken or turkey broth
🤎 box stuffing mix
🧡 instant mashed potatoes
🤎 gravy packets/canned gravy
🧡 cranberry sauce
🤎 canned green beans
🧡 canned corn
🤎 canned yams
🧡 HEB, Walmart or Visa gift cards for turkeys, hams and fresh veggies that will be purchased right before Thanksgiving.
🤎 You can also give here (choose Thanksgiving Outreach):
➡️ Please bring all donations to the Welcome Center at One City Church by Nov 17! Thank you for helping us bless our community!

Buckner Shoe Drive

The Buckner Beaumont shoe drive is happening now and we have until April 28 to collect shoes that will go to kids all over the world!!
New shoes put children on a path to:
👟HEALTH by protecting against disease and infection
👟 EDUCATION by lowering barriers to school attendance
👟 HOPE by demonstrating worth and God’s love
👟 OPPORTUNITY by connecting families to critical services and programs at Buckner Family Hope Centers around the world.
➡️ Please drop NEW shoes (toddler thru adult sizes) at the One City Cares table by the One City Cafe by April 28! For more information or to donate online, click here.
Remember!! It’s more than a pair of shoes…it’s the first step toward transformation!

One City Cares Food Drive


The holidays are not always the “most wonderful time of year” for SETX families in need. We will be collecting dry goods from Nov. 5-19th to help provide for the much anticipated Thanksgiving and Christmas meal for SETX families. Please bring your donated items to the One City Cares table in the Welcome Center and we will take care of the rest! For more information, please call Pastor Amy Everett at 409.892.8475, ext. 2226 or email

One City Cares Blood Drive


We have another opportunity for you to give back at our annual Fall Carnival on Tuesday, October 31st from 5:30-8:00 pm. The LifeShare Bus will be at the Event Center so while you’re here, set aside just a few minutes to make a life changing donation.

Remember, your donation has the potential to save lives with every unit collected helping up to three people in need. To make an appointment and reserve your spot, go to Appointments are highly encouraged for this one as there are limited spots on the bus to donate. We hope to see you there!

Shoes for Orphan Souls- Buckner International


One City Cares will be hosting “Shoes for Orphan Souls”; a collection thru Buckner International here at One City now thru May 4th.

We are asking you to bring new shoes, both kids and adult sizes, as they will go to children up to age 18. Please know that many of these shoes will go to children currently walking barefoot in muddy, rocky terrain causing parasites and diseases stunting their physical development. Also, most schools require children wear shoes to be able to attend but for many poverty stricken families, shoes are a luxury they can’t afford.

Please drop your shoes off at one of the collection boxes by the Cafe or back entrance closest to the playground. Unable to shop for shoes? Go here and donate online!

One City Cares Blood Drive

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Are you looking for a way to make a positive impact here in SETX? Consider donating blood at our upcoming LifeShare blood drive Sunday, January 29th immediately following service thru 2:30 pm in the One City Event Center.
Your donation has the potential to save lives, and every unit of blood collected can help up to three people in need. To make an appointment to donate, go to Appointments are encouraged, but walk-ins are also welcome. We hope to see you there!

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One City Church

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