Many of the organizations we partner with around SETX have project needs and on Serve Day, we want to address these needs to support and enhance the valuable work they are doing in our communities. We also need help in One City Tots (ages 0-3) and One City Kids (ages 4-8) on Serve Day so families can participate in the outreach. Please know, children ages 9+ can participate in Serve Day as long as they are with their parent or guardian at the project site.
If you are interested in serving on a project team or helping with One City Tots/Kids, please sign up here.
Have questions or need more information? Call Pastor Amy Everett at 409-892-8475 ext. 2226 or email aeverett@onecity.church.
Join us December 1st as we watch “Christmas with The Chosen” at Tinseltown Tickets are limited and just $3 Tickets are available at www.onecity.church/chosen. Doors to the movie open at 6:30pm and the movie begins at 7:00pm.
Childcare 0-5 will be provided here at the church. (for Childcare – dropoff will begin at 6:00pm and pickup will be between 9:15-9:30pm).
You can watch the trailer to this movie here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9s7OUspzes
Calling all mothers! We’d like to invite you and your kiddos to the Lumberton park. Come and Let the littles play and you enjoy connection with fellow mothers! You don’t want to miss this.
For more information please call the Church Office or contact Shae Godeaux (409.549.5372) or Lina Ayres (409.791.5396)
On Wednesday, July 14th, we will be having a joint service with our wonderful Spanish church! We’re so excited about this as we know it will be a powerful service as we all come together and worship our Father together! Before service, from 5:15 pm – 6:15 pm we will have a family meal in the Event Center. We’ll see you there! [button color=”undefined” hover_text_color_override=”undefined” url=”www.onecity.church/meals” text=”Register Here” color_override=””]
We will be having a movie night! Grab your Pjs, popcorn, and a blanket, and come join us!
There will be a family meal available from 5:15p-6:15p in the Event Center. We’re asking everyone to register weekly for these meals here:
[button color=”undefined” hover_text_color_override=”undefined” url=”www.onecity.church/meals” text=”Register Here for Meals” color_override=””]
Join us Wednesday June 23rd for a FAM NIGHT at Colorado Canyon (Mini Golf) in Beaumont! We have booked the facility for this night, unlimited mini golf is on us (feel free to purchase concessions and/or arcade time).
*Please note there will be no activities on our church campus this night. (i.e. no youth, nursery, etc.)*
A suggested donation of $8/adult $4/child is appreciated but not required.
[button color=”undefined” hover_text_color_override=”undefined” url=”www.onecity.church/golf” text=”Register Here” color_override=””]