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Operation Christmas Child Packing Party

🎄🎄🎄It’s the most wonderful time of the year…well, almost! But it IS time for our annual Operation Christmas Child packing party and we are VERY excited about that! 🎄🎄🎄
➡️➡️➡️Mark your calendars for Nov 13 at 6:30pm in the One City Kids bldg and join us as we send the love and gospel of Jesus to kids all over the 🌎. Pizza, drinks and treats will be provided!! 
‼️Items that are still needed‼️
⭐️ pocket size bibles
⭐️ fingernail clippers
⭐️ small sewing kits
⭐️ boys socks
⭐️ travel size combs/brushes
⭐️ hot wheels or small toys for boys
⭐️ small fishing kits (has to fit in a shoebox)
⭐️ bandaids
⭐️ stickers
⭐️ flip flops (kids and adult sizes)
🔵 Please bring all donations the night of the packing party or you can leave them at the Welcome Center any Sunday morning.

Back to School Sunday

Prayer over students and school faculty, joint worship, and Pre-service giveaways!
Invite a friend and join us for Fam Day on August 25th at 10:00 am for our Back To School Service. Wear your school gear and come early to party!
We can’t wait to see you!

One City Cares Serve Day


Our FIRST One City Cares Serve Day is coming up on Saturday, March 9 from 8:00am-12:00 pm. We will be going out in teams all over SETX to serve and be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Many of the organizations we partner with around SETX have project needs and on Serve Day, we want to address these needs to support and enhance the valuable work they are doing in our communities. We also need help in One City Tots (ages 0-3) and One City Kids (ages 4-8) on Serve Day so families can participate in the outreach. Please know, children ages 9+ can participate in Serve Day as long as they are with their parent or guardian at the project site.

If you are interested in serving on a project team or helping with One City Tots/Kids, please sign up here.

Have questions or need more information? Call Pastor Amy Everett at 409-892-8475 ext. 2226 or email

Adventure Awaits FamDay!

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Adventure Awaits FamDay Is THIS Sunday, May 29th.
Join us and bring a friend to One City Church!!!
Pre-Party starts at 9:45am with games and prizes. One lucky member will be going home with a Family Basket giveaway. The One City Bear will be here in the lobby with your kid’s busy bags, a photo booth, smores and a new Summer of Adventure Shirt available for purchase in the Cafe’.
We have a service you don’t want to miss with Baptisms and Pastor bringing a powerful word. We can’t wait to see our One City Family this Sunday.
(If you would like to be baptized get registered today at )

ALL IN Volunteer Celebration

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We love our volunteers & we want to celebrate you!!
Our first One City Church “All In” Volunteer Celebration is Saturday, MARCH 5TH right here on the lawn at OCC! If you volunteer ANYWHERE at One City, we want to celebrate you! Bring your family. We’ll have food, bounce houses, music & lots of fun! This is for volunteers only and we can’t wait to CELEBRATE YOU!
All In Volunteer Celebration on the Lawn. MARCH 5TH, 1-3pm

Family Game Night

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Wednesday, December 15th at 6:30 pm we will be hosting a church-wide Family Game Night in the Event Center! This will be a fun time together where we can celebrate our community and make memories. Bring a friend!

MOVIE NIGHT – Christmas with the Chosen

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Join us December 1st as we watch “Christmas with The Chosen” at Tinseltown Tickets are limited and just $3 Tickets are available at Doors to the movie open at 6:30pm and the movie begins at 7:00pm.

Childcare 0-5 will be provided here at the church. (for Childcare – dropoff will begin at 6:00pm and pickup will be between 9:15-9:30pm).

You can watch the trailer to this movie here:

Moms Meet-Up

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It’s that time again, we will be meeting at the New splash pad in Sour Lake for a day of fun in the sun! We’re excited to see all of you mothers and your kiddos there.

For more information please contact the Church Office or Shae Godeaux (409.549.5372) or Lina Ayres at (409.791.5396).

Moms Meet-Up

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Calling all mothers! We’d like to invite you and your kiddos to the Lumberton park. Come and Let the littles play and you enjoy connection with fellow mothers! You don’t want to miss this.

For more information please call the Church Office or contact Shae Godeaux (409.549.5372) or Lina Ayres (409.791.5396)

Back to School Prep Rally

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Join us in the Sanctuary as we rally around our Children, Youth and fellow teachers and administrative faculty to pray over and into this new school year. It’s time to call down heaven in our school systems and see our children emboldened to preach the gospel. We will see you there!

Joint Service with Spanish Church!

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On Wednesday, July 14th, we will be having a joint service with our wonderful Spanish church! We’re so excited about this as we know it will be a powerful service as we all come together and worship our Father together! Before service, from 5:15 pm – 6:15 pm we will have a family meal in the Event Center. We’ll see you there! [button color=”undefined” hover_text_color_override=”undefined” url=”” text=”Register Here” color_override=””]

Family Movie Night

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We will be having a movie night! Grab your Pjs, popcorn, and a blanket, and come join us!

There will be a family meal available from 5:15p-6:15p in the Event Center. We’re asking everyone to register weekly for these meals here:

[button color=”undefined” hover_text_color_override=”undefined” url=”” text=”Register Here for Meals” color_override=””]


Art Class for Kids

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Join us at One City Kids from 10am to 12pm in BUILDING 2 for an interactive and fun learning experience for kids ages 5-12.

Spaces are limited. Cost is $10 per child.

[button color=”undefined” hover_text_color_override=”undefined” url=”” text=”Register Here” color_override=””]

Mini Golf Fam Night!

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Join us Wednesday June 23rd for a FAM NIGHT at Colorado Canyon (Mini Golf) in Beaumont! We have booked the facility for this night, unlimited mini golf is on us (feel free to purchase concessions and/or arcade time).

*Please note there will be no activities on our church campus this night. (i.e. no youth, nursery, etc.)*

A suggested donation of $8/adult $4/child is appreciated but not required.

[button color=”undefined” hover_text_color_override=”undefined” url=”” text=”Register Here” color_override=””]

Father/Daughter – Marvel Ball

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Step into the MultiVerse, come dressed as your favorite Marvel character, and dance the night away with your princess! Register today!

[button color=”undefined” hover_text_color_override=”undefined” url=”” text=”Register Here” color_override=”#0a0a0a”]

Mother/Son – Skate Party

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Who will take home the prize?! The races are rolling around the corner and we’re so excited to see you all there! Register today!

[button color=”undefined” hover_text_color_override=”undefined” url=”” text=”Register Here” color_override=”#0a0a0a”]


Father/Son – Nerf Wars

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It’s the battle of the ages! Get your ammo, nerf guns and come on out to the ultimate father/son showdown!

[button color=”undefined” hover_text_color_override=”undefined” url=”” text=”Register Here” color_override=”#0a0a0a”]

Para Español

One City Church

Connect to God, Connect with People, and SHARE Hope!
Call Us at 409-892-8475
Email Us at Info@OneCity.Church

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