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homeless ministry

One City Cares Serve Day


Our FIRST One City Cares Serve Day is coming up on Saturday, March 9 from 8:00am-12:00 pm. We will be going out in teams all over SETX to serve and be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Many of the organizations we partner with around SETX have project needs and on Serve Day, we want to address these needs to support and enhance the valuable work they are doing in our communities. We also need help in One City Tots (ages 0-3) and One City Kids (ages 4-8) on Serve Day so families can participate in the outreach. Please know, children ages 9+ can participate in Serve Day as long as they are with their parent or guardian at the project site.

If you are interested in serving on a project team or helping with One City Tots/Kids, please sign up here.

Have questions or need more information? Call Pastor Amy Everett at 409-892-8475 ext. 2226 or email

Night Strike/One City Cares Homeless Outreach

Friday, June 2 we are partnering with Night Strike Beaumont to feed nachos and minister the love of Jesus to the homeless of SETX at Weiss Park (corner of Liberty and Magnolia in Downtown Beaumont.)
If you plan to volunteer, please be there at 6:15 pm and wear a One City Cares t-shirt or any of our One City Church t-shirts. If you plan to bring any minors, they must stay with an adult the entirety of the outreach.
Let’s go expecting Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of our brothers and sisters living on the streets and let’s prepare our hearts to be the hands and feet of Jesus! For more information, contact Pastor Amy Everett at the church office, 409-892-8475, ext 2226.

Christmas in the Park 2022

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We are so excited to once again partner with Night Strike Beaumont for the 2022 annual Christmas in the Park- an outreach to the homeless community of SETX as well as families in need this Christmas season.

One City Cares is sponsoring the men’s Christmas tree and gifts and we would love for you to join us.

You can participate in 4 ways:

  1. Donate one or more items that will be given at the event. Be on the lookout for the One City Cares Christmas tree that will be in the Welcome Center with “ornament wishes”- items needed for the men’s tree- all donations needed to be returned to the church UNWRAPPED by December 5th- this is important so everything can be sorted and labeled.
  2. Gift wrapping workday for the men’s Christmas tree on Mon, Dec 12th. Sign up here:
  3. Help volunteer the day of the event, Sat. Dec 17th from 4-8pm. Sign up here:
  4. Give financially towards this outreach by going to and choose One City Cares from the drop down menu.

This will be an amazing time of ministry with gifts, a Christmas dinner and a time of sharing salvation to all. If you have questions, please call Pastor Amy Everett at the church office, 409-892-8475, or email

Christmas In The Park

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We are so excited to be partnering with Hope 4 the Homeless and Night Strike for the 2021 annual Christmas in the Park- an outreach to the homeless community of SETX as well as families in need this Christmas season.

One City Cares is sponsoring the men’s Christmas tree and gifts and we would love for you to join us.

You can participate in 3 ways:

  1. Donate one or more of the items listed below that will be given at the event. (bring unwrapped)
  2. Help volunteer the day of the event, Sat. Dec 18th from 4-8pm. Let us know by calling the church office (892-8475) or emailing to volunteer.
  3. Give financially towards this outreach by going to and choose One City Cares from the drop down menu.

This will be an amazing time of ministry with gifts, a Christmas dinner and a time of sharing salvation to all. If you have questions, please call Pastor Amy Everett at the church office.

Some items needed are:

Flashlights, beanies, gloves, batteries, socks, underwear, T-shirt’s, shoes, watches, backpacks/duffle bags, sweatpants, sweatshirts, hoodies, sleeping bags, tents, blankets, bibles, cologne, perfume, combs/brush sets, air mattress, pillows, ear buds/headphones, coats, clothing (new), thermal underwear, insulated coveralls, battery operated radios, work boots, **camp stoves, **camping supplies, **head lamps, **tarps, **slicker suits, and **insulated coveralls. (All can be dropped off at The Welcome Center at any of our services. Items marked with ** are high priority)


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One City Church

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