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Buckner Shoe Drive

The Buckner Beaumont shoe drive is happening now and we have until April 28 to collect shoes that will go to kids all over the world!!
New shoes put children on a path to:
👟HEALTH by protecting against disease and infection
👟 EDUCATION by lowering barriers to school attendance
👟 HOPE by demonstrating worth and God’s love
👟 OPPORTUNITY by connecting families to critical services and programs at Buckner Family Hope Centers around the world.
➡️ Please drop NEW shoes (toddler thru adult sizes) at the One City Cares table by the One City Cafe by April 28! For more information or to donate online, click here.
Remember!! It’s more than a pair of shoes…it’s the first step toward transformation!

Shoes for Orphan Souls- Buckner International


One City Cares will be hosting “Shoes for Orphan Souls”; a collection thru Buckner International here at One City now thru May 4th.

We are asking you to bring new shoes, both kids and adult sizes, as they will go to children up to age 18. Please know that many of these shoes will go to children currently walking barefoot in muddy, rocky terrain causing parasites and diseases stunting their physical development. Also, most schools require children wear shoes to be able to attend but for many poverty stricken families, shoes are a luxury they can’t afford.

Please drop your shoes off at one of the collection boxes by the Cafe or back entrance closest to the playground. Unable to shop for shoes? Go here and donate online!

Operation Christmas Child packing party 2022

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It’s time for our annual Operation Christmas Child Packing party. We started collecting items this summer that will go in shoeboxes to be shipped to children all over the world this December. For many, this is the only Christmas gift they will receive.

We will meet on Wed, November 9 in the Kids Bldg from 6:30-8pm to pack the shoeboxes. Pizza will be provided. We are still in need of drawstring bags, zip pencil pouches, wash cloths, bar soap, toothbrushes and soap/toothbrush holders. All donations can be dropped off at the Welcome Center thru November 9. For more information about what Operation Christmas Child is, please go or call Pastor Amy at the church office, 409-892-8475.

One City Fall Carnival 2022

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One City Church will be hosting our annual Fall Carnival on Sunday, October 30th from 5-7pm in the Event Center. This year’s fall carnival will be like none we’ve ever had before! There will be a game trailer, bungee run, bounce houses, face painting, a fire truck, free hot dogs and popcorn, a photo booth, LifeShare’s donation bus will be here and of course, TONS of candy!

If you would like to donate candy, there are crates at our main church entrances and we will collect up until Oct. 30. If you would like to volunteer at the carnival, please sign up at We anticipate close to 1,000 people so we need all hands on deck!

We’re also asking everyone, volunteers and non volunteers, to pre-register here:

One City Back to School Drive

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As families prepare to go back to school in just a few weeks, we wanted to come alongside and help ease the burden. Between school supplies, new clothes, shoes, backpacks and more, things can add up quickly. We will be holding a Back to School Drive from now until August 21 where you can purchase items off our Amazon “wish list” by going to or you can pick up a paper copy at the Welcome Center. All items purchased on Amazon can be shipped to the church or you can drop them off at the Welcome Center.

If your family needs assistance getting back to school items or for more information, please contact Pastor Amy at the church office, 892-8475.

Moms Meet-Up

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It’s that time again, we will be meeting at the New splash pad in Sour Lake for a day of fun in the sun! We’re excited to see all of you mothers and your kiddos there.

For more information please contact the Church Office or Shae Godeaux (409.549.5372) or Lina Ayres at (409.791.5396).

Moms Meet-Up

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Calling all mothers! We’d like to invite you and your kiddos to the Lumberton park. Come and Let the littles play and you enjoy connection with fellow mothers! You don’t want to miss this.

For more information please call the Church Office or contact Shae Godeaux (409.549.5372) or Lina Ayres (409.791.5396)

Back to School Prep Rally

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Join us in the Sanctuary as we rally around our Children, Youth and fellow teachers and administrative faculty to pray over and into this new school year. It’s time to call down heaven in our school systems and see our children emboldened to preach the gospel. We will see you there!

Art Class for Kids

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Join us at One City Kids from 10am to 12pm in BUILDING 2 for an interactive and fun learning experience for kids ages 5-12.

Spaces are limited. Cost is $10 per child.

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Father/Daughter – Marvel Ball

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Step into the MultiVerse, come dressed as your favorite Marvel character, and dance the night away with your princess! Register today!

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Mother/Son – Skate Party

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Who will take home the prize?! The races are rolling around the corner and we’re so excited to see you all there! Register today!

[button color=”undefined” hover_text_color_override=”undefined” url=”” text=”Register Here” color_override=”#0a0a0a”]


Father/Son – Nerf Wars

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It’s the battle of the ages! Get your ammo, nerf guns and come on out to the ultimate father/son showdown!

[button color=”undefined” hover_text_color_override=”undefined” url=”” text=”Register Here” color_override=”#0a0a0a”]

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One City Church

Connect to God, Connect with People, and SHARE Hope!
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