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Operation Christmas Child Packing Party

🎄🎄🎄It’s the most wonderful time of the year…well, almost! But it IS time for our annual Operation Christmas Child packing party and we are VERY excited about that! 🎄🎄🎄
➡️➡️➡️Mark your calendars for Nov 13 at 6:30pm in the One City Kids bldg and join us as we send the love and gospel of Jesus to kids all over the 🌎. Pizza, drinks and treats will be provided!! 
‼️Items that are still needed‼️
⭐️ pocket size bibles
⭐️ fingernail clippers
⭐️ small sewing kits
⭐️ boys socks
⭐️ travel size combs/brushes
⭐️ hot wheels or small toys for boys
⭐️ small fishing kits (has to fit in a shoebox)
⭐️ bandaids
⭐️ stickers
⭐️ flip flops (kids and adult sizes)
🔵 Please bring all donations the night of the packing party or you can leave them at the Welcome Center any Sunday morning.

Back to School Sunday

Prayer over students and school faculty, joint worship, and Pre-service giveaways!
Invite a friend and join us for Fam Day on August 25th at 10:00 am for our Back To School Service. Wear your school gear and come early to party!
We can’t wait to see you!

Back to School Prep Rally

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Join us in the Sanctuary as we rally around our Children, Youth and fellow teachers and administrative faculty to pray over and into this new school year. It’s time to call down heaven in our school systems and see our children emboldened to preach the gospel. We will see you there!

Youth Carwash Fundraiser

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Our wonderful youth are headed to summer CAMP at YFN (Youth for The Nations) in a few short weeks! We’re so excited for the encounters they will have with The Lord, the community they will build, and the memories they will make to last a lifetime. Help get them there; stop by for a carwash, food, and fellowship!

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One City Church

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